What people are saying.

  • “I've had the pleasure of working with Kylie the last few months and have seen tremendous change physically and mentally. She has taught me to have a better relationship with food and how to properly work with my macros to achieve the results I want. She has been so patient and positive. Always checking in or even a text away when you have questions. As much as I wanted this process to go by quickly, she has taught me patience. Even on days when i’m not feeling the best, she’s a listening ear to vent to. She’s positive in every aspect of this journey and she is always there by your side. Such an awesome soul and always has a great spirit. Thank you Kylie for allowing me to become a better version of me and not be afraid of food!”

    - Ashley A

  • “When I first started with Kylie, I knew she would be able to help me with my goals because she had a very relatable story. For years I struggled with an unhealthy mindset towards food, eating and exercise and in turn struggled with a borderline eating disorder. I told her my experience with fitness and she customized several workouts for me that I felt comfortable getting after with all the cues and tips she provided. Not only that, but she has encouraged me and supported me endlessly every single step of the way! I am so grateful to have worked with Kylie as she thoroughly prepared me for my next step in the fitness world as I embark on building a body to get on stage for competing. I couldn’t have done it without her!"

    -Serena C

  • "I started training online with Kylie in early December 2021 after having 2 in person trainers. I was so nervous to get on the gym floor alone, but her constant reassurance, explanations and check-ins had me excited within the first week. Her knowledge is something I look to constantly. I am extremely pleased with all the results I have seen and I am beyond excited to continue this journey with Kylie."

    -Amber N

  • "Working with Kylie as my trainer was an amazing experience. She not only helped me with challenging workouts that pushed me to my full potential, but she also listened, motivated and inspired me. She was definitely a helping hand with any questions that I had and created a safe space for me to share my fitness goals. It is because of her that I started this journey and am still going at it!"

    -Jada G

  • “I had no motivation to get to the gym before I started working with Kylie. Since starting her program, I can confidently say that my motivation and habits have changed for the better. Even on the days where I’m not feeling up for the gym, she makes it known that she’s always there to chat. Providing a program made for me and my specific goals is just one of the things that shows how much she cares for her clients. She makes it known that she wants you to succeed and that she’s there to help every step of the way. For anyone trying to implement healthy habits and a new routine, I highly recommend starting with Kylie!”

    -Taylor R

  • "I cannot recommend Kylie as a personal trainer enough! I successfully met my fitness goals with her as my trainer. Kylie is always very encouraging and has a vast knowledge of her profession. Thanks to Kylie, I now feel more confident and stronger than ever before. My fitness has noticeably improved and I’ve seen progress in my cardiovascular health, lift progressively heavier weights & generally push myself harder throughout each session. I find I actually look forward to my workouts and consider gym time as self care. Most importantly, Kylie ensures that my technique is always correct to avoid any injuries. She is also extremely reliable & flexible – always there to offer her advice, encouragement and has my exercise routines planned out ahead of time. I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with Kylie and highly recommend her services to anyone looking to improve their health and lifestyle. I look forward to incorporating everything I’ve learned from my time with Kylie into my future workouts. "

    -Meghan G

  • “Since training with Kylie, I’ve been so much better mentally & physically! I wasn’t consistent with working out prior to working with Kylie, so having a laid out workout plan really helped me! If I had any questions on anything, she responds very quickly, which was a plus for me! Kylie pushes me to be consistent with my workouts, & at the same time she was very understanding when I do miss a workout. Also, I love how Kylie specializes a workout plan based on what YOU like. If I don’t like a certain workout, she would gladly change the workout & replace it with something else that I would like. She taught me to not force myself to do a workout I don’t enjoy. I highly recommend trying her program out!”

    -Caroline M

  • "It was really awesome working with Kylie. 10/10 would recommend her to anyone looking for a coach! She helped build my confidence to actually step into a gym (I’m a beginner), got to know my way around and no longer feel intimidated by other people working out!! She always gave prompt feedback each time I completed a workout which made me feel so motivated to continue doing my best! I really felt that she took time to tailor my workouts to suit my personal goals and abilities. Her work ethic and professionalism are top tier!!! She is very responsive and always shared amazing tips, including but not limited to; proper form, hip mobility and progressive overload. I’m excited to continue going to the gym and see how my body transforms overtime. Keep up the great work Kylie!!"

    -Cynthia M

  • "Before I started working with Kylie I felt like a complete newbie in the gym and wasn’t very confident walking into the gym. After working with her for three months she really helped change my mindset and confidence! Her workouts she programmed for me were great, they didn’t start out too advanced where I felt discouraged to keep going, she understood that I was pretty new to the gym. Her daily check ins were nice, and you can tell she really does care about each of her clients. She provided really great resources that helped me be successful in my journey to live a healthier life. My nutrition wasn’t the best at first but the PDF guides provided and the weekly checkins really helped me have a better relationship with food! Overall, I’m so happy I decided to try this out, I have so much more knowledge that I can take with me to continue this lifestyle!"

    -Lindsey S

  • "I highly recommend Kylie to anyone looking for a patient, experienced coach to transform your outlook on nutrition and exercise for anyone stuck. I came to Kylie in a funk wanting a kick start on a new course and she gave me the guidance that I needed to get back in the gym but also the push to get me out of my comfort zone to advance my muscle growth and confidence in the gym. Kylie made sure that I understood the routines she provided and always ensured proper technique was utilized to decrease injury and improve maximum muscle growth. Her communication with me was always prompt whenever I had questions. If you decide to make Kylie your coach, you will not regret it, she is amazing!!!"

    -Kyleen T

  • "Kylie was awesome to work with and I really enjoyed all the advice she gave, especially around my reverse diet. I've worked with a coach before but this was a different experience in a great way! I learned how to properly increase my food in a sustainable way and the workouts she gave me were also so much more my speed. Very limited cardio with LOTS of pump! Loved it."

    -Ashley D

  • "I trained with Kylie from February to November of 2022 and couldn’t be more pleased with my results. I had been training for about a year with another trainer in-person who I wasn’t crazy about. Kylie’s workouts were always enjoyable- challenging, yet always within my strength level. My goals were to have toned arms and stronger glutes, but along with that I also built beautiful shoulders, strong chest and very defined hamstrings. The physical changes were of course my main goal, but I also learned how to train, push myself and lift heavier without getting hurt. She was super responsive with feedback after a workout and always checked form (via video) to make sure things looked right before adding more weight. I highly recommend Kylie’s training plans for anyone who is either brand new to the gym, or has been working out for a while and looking to take their training to the next level. If you put the work in, you will get the results with Kylie!"

    -Meg M

  • "I started to workout consistently last year but always felt lost at the gym. Until I started working with Kylie. She made me feel a lot more confident being at the gym. She was consistently giving me motivation and answering any questions I had! She made sure to always check in and make any accommodations if needed. Always very positive! It was a pleasure working with Kylie and would recommend her to anyone!"

    -Heidy M

  • "Before I started working with Kylie I felt like a complete newbie in the gym and wasn’t very confident walking into the gym. After working with her for three months she really helped change my mindset and confidence! Her workouts she programmed for me were great, they didn’t start out too advanced where I felt discouraged to keep going, she understood that I was pretty new to the gym. Her daily check ins were nice, and you can tell she really does care about each of her clients. She provided really great resources that helped me be successful in my journey to live a healthier life. My nutrition wasn’t the best at first but the PDF guides provided and the weekly checkins really helped me have a better relationship with food! Overall, I’m so happy I decided to try this out, I have so much more knowledge that I can take with me to continue this lifestyle!"

    -Lindsey S