Who is Body By KB?

Kylie is a 25 year old ISSA Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Certified Nutrition Coach, an OFNC Certified Online Coach and University of Connecticut graduate.

“After struggling with an eating disorder throughout my adolescence and beginning of my young adult years, I thought the cycle would never stop. I broke myself down to be what I thought were societies standards of beauty. Until one day, I was able to look at the bigger picture. I made the change to stop breaking myself down and began to build myself up. I started in the gym doing cardio, but continuously wondered why I was unable to build the physique I desired. It was then that I moved onto lifting weights. I began to invest in myself, educate myself, and fuel myself. I learned the in and outs of weight loss, weight gain and strength training through personal experience. I experienced physical growth and mental growth, I grew into an entirely new mindset. I outgrew old habits, and even old clothes. I’d be lying to you if I said these transformable years of my life were easy, because it was anything but that. It took passion, drive and discipline. Whether its weight loss, weight gain or an overall confident & healthy lifestyle, I challenge you to come on the ride to find your why.”

Kylie helps individuals become the most confident version of themselves through balanced eating and strength training